Case Study

Case Study – Protection for Acid Tank Door

A replacement manway access door for a
chemicals processing vessel containing high
concentrations of sulphuric acid required
protection against chemicals before

The fabricator of the door delivered it to
Corroserve’s Leeds workshop where as a first
step the door was abrasive blasted to achieve
the required cleanliness standard. It was then
thoroughly cleaned down to remove all dust
and debris.

Plasmet AR3 was applied to a DFT of 1500µm,
on the inner surface that would be exposed to
sulphuric acid. Plasmet AR3 is primarily
produced for coping with strong
concentrations of sulphuric acid, the product
can also be used for other acids.
The external surface of the door was coated
with Plasmet ZF to ensure all round corrosion

The application of specialist protective
coatings will significantly increase the
expected service life of the access door.

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