Abrasive Blasting

Abrasive Blasting

The purpose of abrasive blasting or grit blasting (as otherwise known), is to remove all contamination and corrosion deposits from a surface, to create a surface profile and good adhesion for a protective coating.

At Corroserve we appreciate that in certain industries it is vital that high quality grit blast cleaning of key components be carried out quickly and efficiently. This ensures that the components can then be reinstalled swiftly to minimise costly downtime.

Corroserve offer on-site abrasive blast cleaning services, using one of our specially modified containers. Our mobile abrasive grit blasting unit is able to clean a range of capital plant and equipment on site. Either a 6m or 12m unit is available, depending on the equipment size and anticipated throughout of components.

There is an option to deploy the abrasive blast unit directly to your site. We can treat any piece of equipment that can fit within the unit – we simply load the part and blast it clean with our abrasive blasting equipment. We can also apply an anti-corrosion coating if needed.

The benefits to mobile abrasive blasting services are many. Not only is it effective with a quick turn-around on-site, but it’s also fully compliant with all health and safety regulations. We use a range of abrasives in the units. For example a finer abrasive for cleaning a delicate part without creating a surface profile, or full abrasive blasting.

We recycle all blast abrasive through the built-in vacuum recovery and grit cleaning system. This means it is environmentally compliant as a result of the full containment of dust. The clean part is then ready to be recommissioned. The process drastically improves efficiency and increases asset life. Mobile abrasive blasting cleaning saves you both time and money.

It’s just one of the services we offer at Corroserve.


Corroserve Mobile Abrasive Blasting Unit

Contact a member of the team today to discuss your mobile blasting requirements further.