Case Study

Case Study – Repair and Overhaul of four River Water Pumps


Gas Fired Power Station, UK.


The Challenge

Corroserve’s dedicated pump division was approached to repair and service four feed water pumps for a gas fired power station. Not only did the river water used have a very high silt content, but the pump house itself suffered from flooding, which fully submerged the pumps.


The Solution

Each pump was taken out of service in turn and delivered to our workshop. After arrival the service team dismantled the pump and completed a strip and inspection report. As can be seen in the images below, the wetted areas suffered from erosion corrosion and due to flooding, the bearings were badly damaged.


Results and Benefits

The professional preparation of the wetted parts before coating and the use of Plasmet HTE ensured that the pumps will remain in service for many years.

The specialist coating used is designed to provide protection against corrosion in immersed locations and offers resistance to highly abrasive pumped products.


Coating Credentials

We have the experience and expertise to either coat from new or provide remedial coatings to process equipment. The bespoke coating systems used are determined by the operating conditions and mediums. Our coating systems have provided unrivalled levels of corrosion in the harshest environments in over 40 years.


river water pumps

Find out more about the pump repair and refurbishment services we offer here.

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