Petroleum Company, UK.
The Challenge
Internal corrosion protection of pump.
Surface preparation, supply and application of the Corroglass 600 series coating systems, to protect the internal wetted areas of a split pump casing, which could be subject to a service condition of sea-water.
May, 2022.
Corroglass 600 Series.
Plasmet ZF.
- Rebated split face and suction/discharge flanges.
- Abrasive blasted internally with new abrasive in accordance with ISO8501-1 Sa 2 1/2 surface finish, to achieve a minimum surface profile of 50 microns.
- Completed a final blow down, sweep and vacuum cleaned thoroughly where required to remove dust.
- Applied Corroglass 600 series to achieve the minimum DFT of 1250 microns.
- Casted in the stationary wear ring landings using the customer supplied rotating assembly.
- Carried out thickness testing and spark testing at 17 kV following adequate cure.
- Removed surface protection, dress edges and completed 100% visual inspection.
- Abrasive blasted externally with new abrasive in accordance with ISO 8501 -1 to Sa2 surface finish.
- Applied one coat of Plasmet ZF.
- Packed and prepared for dispatch.
Coating Credentials
Corrocoat 600 series: A two pack cold cured vinyl ester glass flake. Excellent in immersed environments. Excellent resistance to solvents, acids and de-mineralised water. Excellent flexibility, undercutting resistance and sliding abrasion resistance.
Plasmet ZF: A surface tolerant two-pack epoxy coating compound incorporating a rust inhibitor and passivator, with MIO (Micaceous Iron Oxide) and glass flake for increased protection.

Find out more about the pump repair and refurbishment services we offer here.