20 October 2021

Corrosion protection was required on over 300 carbon steel bilge pipespools, which would be subject to seawater service conditions on an FPSO. The client; leaders in the oil and gas industry, required the pipespools to be coated ahead of being shipped to Angola.

Measuring only 2” in diameter, the internal surfaces of these small pipes were coated with Polyglass VEF.  For straight lengths, pipe-spinning methods were used to ensure uniformed thickness and for any pipes with bends, flood and drain methods were used to coat the internal surfaces.

For the externals, the edges were dressed and welds prepared to comply with Corrocoat spec. 6/10, Weld finish. This is extremely important for long term coating performance. The external surfaces were stripe coated with 2 coats of Plasmet ZF and a single coat of Corrothane AP1.

Each spool was assigned a spool identification number by the client and this number needed to be reassigned and noted on the packaging of the spool once it has been coated and prepared for dispatch. The pipes were air-freighted to Angola. The corrosion protection for the 300 pipespools will to protect and extend their service life considerably.

Coating over 300 new pipespools ahead of shipping in Angola


Find out more on our pipe lining and coating services here.